Glubb- oder was eine Divisions Dame so braucht.

  • Wie funktioniert das mit der Rattenzahlung?

    Ganz einfach, du lässt den Gläubiger deinen Keller aufräumen;-)

    "So ladies, if the man in your life played even one down of high school football, he’s almost certainly courageous, competitive and a fine athlete.

    NFL games, however, are played by supermen." (Mick Mixon)

  • Wenn Romo eine Schachfigur ist, dann eine aus dünnstem Porzellan. :D

    "Players don't know how lucky they are, I think, to be in a place like Philly. I would've - if I could've kept playing a long time there, I would've played 'til the wheels fell off." - Chris Long