Dallas Cowboys Offseason 2020

  • Die ganzen Zahlen kann man alle in die Tonne kloppen, genau wie die ach so tollen von Dak Prescott, der deswegen jetzt sogar Elite Money fordert und sich weigert einen sehr guten Vertrag zu unterschreiben. Fakt ist nämlich das man die Playoffs verpasst hat! Da ist vielleicht mal ein wenig mehr Demut angebracht anstatt große Sprüche zu klopfen.

    Ich sehe keine großen Sprüche, sorry. Da muss ich was verpasst haben. Er spricht von einer Erwartungshaltung und die ist nun mal deutlich höher als letztes Jahr. Und letztes Jahr hatte man bereits eine der besten Offenses der Liga (dass es nicht zu den Playoffs reichte, ist ganz sicher nicht die Schuld allein der Offense, da würde ich die Defense und vor allem die Special Teams deutlich mehr in die Kritik nehmen).

    Man hatte eine 8-8 Saison, und hat knapp die Playoffs verpasst. Das ist alles richtig, aber wenn man nicht erwartet, dass dieses Jahr besser verläuft, wieso hat man dann überhaupt den Coach gewechselt? Und letztes Jahr hatte man die drittbeste Offense (statistisch) der Liga. In DVOA sogar die zweitbeste. Ich behaupte mal, wenn jeder seinen Job so gemacht hätte, wie die Offense, dann wären wir sicher in den Playoffs gewesen.

    aikman -> Chrizly (Namensänderung 3.2. 2023)

    "So this is how I remember saying goodbye to Bilbo," [a raccoon he had as a kid] Leach wrote. "He wandered 10 yards away or so from the truck, and then he turned and looked at us and kind of had this expression like, 'It was nice knowing ya.' It was this moment where like, both I knew and he knew that we’d had some good times, but this was it. It was onward and upward for both of us."

    Mike Leach, Coaching Legend (*1961 +2022)

  • aikman -> Chrizly (Namensänderung 3.2. 2023)

    "So this is how I remember saying goodbye to Bilbo," [a raccoon he had as a kid] Leach wrote. "He wandered 10 yards away or so from the truck, and then he turned and looked at us and kind of had this expression like, 'It was nice knowing ya.' It was this moment where like, both I knew and he knew that we’d had some good times, but this was it. It was onward and upward for both of us."

    Mike Leach, Coaching Legend (*1961 +2022)

  • Die Erwartungshaltung ist bei uns doch immer hoch. Gerissen hat das Team seit den 90ern aber nie mehr was. Deshalb finde ich es besser einfach mal den Mund zu halten über irgendwelche mögliche Rekorde und die Leistung auf den Platz zu zeigen. Hatten wir leider schon zu oft wo vor der Saison große Sprüche gemacht wurden und dann hat das Team wieder komplett versagt.


  • Wie gesagt - du liest da irgendwas hinein, was er nicht gesagt hat. Er sagte lediglich genau das was du selber gerade bestätigt hast: "Die Erwartungshaltung ist recht hoch" - nämlich dass diese Offense produziert und zwar gewaltig. Und das ist einfach Fakt. Diese Offense muss das Team tragen. Man hat einen zusätzlichen First Round Pick reingebuttert um eine der besten Offenses der Liga noch besser zu machen. Nichts anderes bestätigt Cooper. Es gibt von ihm aber keine Garantie, dass dies auch passiert oder ähnliches großmäuliges. Dafür ist Cooper auch gar nicht der Typ.

    aikman -> Chrizly (Namensänderung 3.2. 2023)

    "So this is how I remember saying goodbye to Bilbo," [a raccoon he had as a kid] Leach wrote. "He wandered 10 yards away or so from the truck, and then he turned and looked at us and kind of had this expression like, 'It was nice knowing ya.' It was this moment where like, both I knew and he knew that we’d had some good times, but this was it. It was onward and upward for both of us."

    Mike Leach, Coaching Legend (*1961 +2022)

  • Ich mein, letztes Jahr hatten Cooper und Gallup beide über 1000, nur Cobb blieb drunter (828). Wenn man davon ausgeht, dass Lamb eine Vestärkung ist und die Offense unter McCarthy/Moore einen Tick besser ist als unter Garrett/Moore, dann ist das nicht komplett unrealistisch.

    Natürlich alles unter der Prämisse, dass es überhaupt eine volle Saison gibt...

    Das sollte jetzt auch kein „Dream Team“ und es geht nach hinten los Ding sein. Das Ziel ist ja - wie gesagt - auch verständlich, aber solche Aussagen werden In Retrospektive gerne mal medial wieder herausgekramt - aber auch im

  • Die Offense war letzte Saison deutlich besser, dafür waren dann die Defense und Special Teams schlecht.

    Irgendwie schon eigenartig in der einen Saison(2018) ist die Defense überragend und dafür die Offense schlecht und die nächste Saison (2019) ist es umgekehrt.

    Man könnte natürlich argumentieren wenn die Cowboys gegen die Patroits und in Philly eine bessere Offense Leistung gebracht hätten dann wären sie auch in den Play offs gewesen. Leider war dem nicht so wobei gegen die Pats das Wetter auch saumäßig schlecht war, doch das ist Vergangenheit.

    Wenn die Cowboys wieder in die Play offs wollen dann muß Offense, wie Defense und Special Teams funktionieren.

    Erstmal heißt aber auch abwarten ob es überhaupt eine Saison geben wird.

  • Vander Esch über die neue Defense:

    Leighton Vander Esch says that in the #Cowboys new defensive scheme, he will be playing the MIKE linebacker, while Jaylon Smith will be the WILL. He says Jaylon may get pulled outside the box a bit more than he would, but that the two positions will be somewhat interchangeable.

    aikman -> Chrizly (Namensänderung 3.2. 2023)

    "So this is how I remember saying goodbye to Bilbo," [a raccoon he had as a kid] Leach wrote. "He wandered 10 yards away or so from the truck, and then he turned and looked at us and kind of had this expression like, 'It was nice knowing ya.' It was this moment where like, both I knew and he knew that we’d had some good times, but this was it. It was onward and upward for both of us."

    Mike Leach, Coaching Legend (*1961 +2022)

  • Wide receiver Jon’Vea Johnson and cornerback Saivion Smith have been activated from the COVID/reserve list. To make room on the 80-man roster, wide receiver Kendrick Rogers was released.

    aikman -> Chrizly (Namensänderung 3.2. 2023)

    "So this is how I remember saying goodbye to Bilbo," [a raccoon he had as a kid] Leach wrote. "He wandered 10 yards away or so from the truck, and then he turned and looked at us and kind of had this expression like, 'It was nice knowing ya.' It was this moment where like, both I knew and he knew that we’d had some good times, but this was it. It was onward and upward for both of us."

    Mike Leach, Coaching Legend (*1961 +2022)

  • Dak Prescott, Stephen und Jerry Jones haben heute der Presse zum ersten Mal bei einer PK zur Verfügung gestanden:

    Erstmal das wichtigse von Dak:

    Über die Vertragssituation:

    Dak Prescott says his love of being a Dallas Cowboy hasn't changed because of recent contract negotiations. "No, not all. I grew up wanting to be a Dallas Cowboy and I have dreams of being a Dallas Cowboy until I'm done throwing a football."

    Cowboys QB Dak Prescott on lack of long-term contract security: “I’m not a guy that looks at my future, to be honest. I really don’t.” Counts his blessings each day. “I can’t look at tomorrow without taking care of today, and that’s just the way I’ve been my whole life.”

    Über die Saison und die Vorkehrungen die man getroffen hat:

    Cowboys QB Dak Prescott said he’s already checked into the Omni hotel next to team facility in effort to stay as safe as possible. Estimates about 90% of team is staying there. “We can set an example for the young guys about avoiding downtown” and other people who may carry virus

    Dak puts this season in pretty blunt, but accurate terms: the healthiest team is likely going to be the most successful. That's why many veterans, including Dak, have checked into the Omni and are stressing the importance of responsibility.

    "Never crossed my mind," to opt out, Dak Prescott says. "Football has always been my safe haven... obviously there's some concerns, but for me it's just about being as safe as I can, and follow the guidelines that the team and the NFL have laid out."

    Dak hat in der Offseason ein Football-Feld in seinen Hinterhof bauen lassen und dort mit den WR trainiert, hat er zudem erzählt. Coach-Kontakt war allerdings begrenzt aufgrund von Corona.

    aikman -> Chrizly (Namensänderung 3.2. 2023)

    "So this is how I remember saying goodbye to Bilbo," [a raccoon he had as a kid] Leach wrote. "He wandered 10 yards away or so from the truck, and then he turned and looked at us and kind of had this expression like, 'It was nice knowing ya.' It was this moment where like, both I knew and he knew that we’d had some good times, but this was it. It was onward and upward for both of us."

    Mike Leach, Coaching Legend (*1961 +2022)

  • Das wichtigste von Jerry und Stephen Jones:

    Jerry Jones: "The Dallas Cowboys plan to play all of our football games, and we plan on playing in front of our fans."

    Jerry Jones on if they'll have 50% capacity at AT&T Stadium: "We'll adhere to all protocols, & we will adapt them to the uniqueness of our stadium. That's within the protocol. We have a real unique situation, and I think we're going to be able to have a really great experience."

    #Cowboys owner Jerry Jones doesn’t have expectation on fan size yet says dealing with a moving target but suite capacity gives them extra control and 3 million square feet capacity. There will be pods of people and people will be spread apart. Won’t speculate on the numbers.

    On Dak contract: “Don’t want to be flip or trite but that’s a part of professional sports. He is outstanding probably one of the top people I’ve been around for his age.” -Jerry Jones

    Jerry continues on Dak Prescott says a lot of people in the franchise tag mode didn’t get it done as they work through the economic consequences of Covid. “All of that came to bear and this was a less than stable time to talk about serious , serious generational dollars.”

    #Cowboys owner Jerry Jones did add that they believe Dak Prescott IS their quarterback of the future.


    #Cowboys EVP Stephen Jones says it'll be a challenge evaluating players as college football conferences postpone or cancel seasons. Says they'll have to really look at 2019 tape, but the Cowboys will roll up their sleeves & do what they need to to properly evaluate players.

    Stephen Jones: "It doesn't change the way we think about Dak. He and I had a great visit right there at the deadline. He's so fired up about this team, about this season, & about our future, & we ultimately know that we're gonna have to figure out how to get this done."

    "I'm more convinced than ever that we will get it done."

    aikman -> Chrizly (Namensänderung 3.2. 2023)

    "So this is how I remember saying goodbye to Bilbo," [a raccoon he had as a kid] Leach wrote. "He wandered 10 yards away or so from the truck, and then he turned and looked at us and kind of had this expression like, 'It was nice knowing ya.' It was this moment where like, both I knew and he knew that we’d had some good times, but this was it. It was onward and upward for both of us."

    Mike Leach, Coaching Legend (*1961 +2022)

  • Und zum Thema: Hymne und Social Injustice - erst Jerry Jones:

    "These are very sensitive times right now," Jerry Jones said. "I have nothing to prove as far as where I'm standing with the flag and where the Cowboys stand. I have nothing to prove regarding my players and my support of our players. What I do want us to be a part of is a word called grace. Not only grace in our actions but grace in our understanding where they're coming from. I'm going to have grace with our players. I'm going to have grace with people that are sensitive about our flag. Somewhere in between there is how we're going to handle it."

    "We're going to have grace when we sit here and how we're going to handle it," Jones said. "I haven't met with the detail and in depth with our players that I want to. I've talked with very engaged people. I've had inputs from ex-presidents. I've had inputs from presidents. I have had input from cross section of our players, former players. I will continue to have input. We've asked for the platform. We have the platform. I'm going to show grace and I'd like to show that kind of grace on a sensitive matter that comes up. Everybody is genuine here. I'm giving everyone the benefit of the doubt relative to any decision that I make."

    In 2017, Jerry Jones was adamant about his stance on players standing for the flag. However, after many discussions before a Monday Night game in Arizona, Jones and the entire team went arm-in-arm before the game to stand for the anthem before kneeling in unison.
    However, Jones also made it clear that times are different in our country.
    "That was then and this is now," Jones said Wednesday.

    Und Dak

    He was trying to listen and gather everything he can before he came out and said his simple view. Because of his background and his beliefs, all that is different than a lot of other people," Prescott said. "Not that he can't relate, but it may be tough for him to relate to what other people may be going through right now. I don't think he just
    wanted to speak with [urgency] and say something wrong. It's tough."

    Prescott said the players have had conversations about some form of protest when the season starts. While he could not say whether the Cowboys would do something as a team or on an individual basis, his hope is "as a football team you want to represent one group."

    "The best part of football is it represents, in a sense, the country," Prescott said. "Different people from different economic backgrounds, different social backgrounds, different beliefs, religions, color. Any way you think of, the football team is compiled of all kinds of different places and backgrounds where they come from. We all come together for one common goal, and that is to support each other and go win. I think in anything that we do, we want to represent how we can come together and how we can be as one. That is what this country needs to be right now."

    aikman -> Chrizly (Namensänderung 3.2. 2023)

    "So this is how I remember saying goodbye to Bilbo," [a raccoon he had as a kid] Leach wrote. "He wandered 10 yards away or so from the truck, and then he turned and looked at us and kind of had this expression like, 'It was nice knowing ya.' It was this moment where like, both I knew and he knew that we’d had some good times, but this was it. It was onward and upward for both of us."

    Mike Leach, Coaching Legend (*1961 +2022)

  • Dak Prescott says "I grew up wanting to be a Dallas Cowboy and I have dreams of being a Dallas Cowboy until I'm done throwing a football."

    Und warum hat der dann nicht unterschrieben??? Ich kann ihm solche Sätze jedenfalls nicht mehr abnehmen :nono:


  • The #Cowboys are adding a big-time pass-rusher, signing former #Vikings DE Everson Griffen, sources tell me,
    @TomPelissero and @SlaterNFL
    . With Minnesota for a decade, Griffen now heads to Dallas. A surprise.

    Nette Verstärkung.

    aikman -> Chrizly (Namensänderung 3.2. 2023)

    "So this is how I remember saying goodbye to Bilbo," [a raccoon he had as a kid] Leach wrote. "He wandered 10 yards away or so from the truck, and then he turned and looked at us and kind of had this expression like, 'It was nice knowing ya.' It was this moment where like, both I knew and he knew that we’d had some good times, but this was it. It was onward and upward for both of us."

    Mike Leach, Coaching Legend (*1961 +2022)

  • Zitat

    RE - Everson Griffen/Tyrone Crawford
    NT - Dontari Poe/Antwaun Woods
    3T - Gerald McCoy/Neville Gallimore
    LE - DeMarcus Lawrence

    Das sind die "Bänke", dazu kommen Dorance Armstrong, Aldon Smith als DEs und Trysten Hill, Gallimore auf DT als mögliche Ergänzung, die aber um ihre Rosterspots kämpfen müssen. Und dann ist da immer noch Randy Gregory als komplettes Fragezeichen.

    Ich würde mich gerne zu dem verlinkten Artikel äußern, aber er ist leider für mich hinter einer Paywall und ich kann nicht mal erahnen um was es geht. :madness

    Und hier ist Dak Prescotts sehr ausführliche Schilderung zu seiner Million-Dollar-Spende für Police-Reformen:

    Gefällt mir ausgesprochen gut!

    aikman -> Chrizly (Namensänderung 3.2. 2023)

    "So this is how I remember saying goodbye to Bilbo," [a raccoon he had as a kid] Leach wrote. "He wandered 10 yards away or so from the truck, and then he turned and looked at us and kind of had this expression like, 'It was nice knowing ya.' It was this moment where like, both I knew and he knew that we’d had some good times, but this was it. It was onward and upward for both of us."

    Mike Leach, Coaching Legend (*1961 +2022)

  • Ich würde mich gerne zu dem verlinkten Artikel äußern, aber er ist leider für mich hinter einer Paywall und ich kann nicht mal erahnen um was es geht. :madness

    Zitat von Washington Post Header

    Gregg Popovich calls Jerry Jones and Robert Kraft ‘hypocritical’ for past support of Trump

  • Ok, danke.

    aikman -> Chrizly (Namensänderung 3.2. 2023)

    "So this is how I remember saying goodbye to Bilbo," [a raccoon he had as a kid] Leach wrote. "He wandered 10 yards away or so from the truck, and then he turned and looked at us and kind of had this expression like, 'It was nice knowing ya.' It was this moment where like, both I knew and he knew that we’d had some good times, but this was it. It was onward and upward for both of us."

    Mike Leach, Coaching Legend (*1961 +2022)

  • Schön, dass sich mal jemand getraut hat, das Offensichtliche auszusprechen.

    als Coach in der NBA sollte man momentan sparsam umgehen mit dem Vorwurf der Heuchelei.

    It is time for us to do what we have been doing and that time is every day.

  • Nette Verstärkung.

    Sehr schön. Das hebt dann doch das Niveau der ganzen Defense an.

    Da braut sich wirklich einiges zusammen in Dallas. Wenn McCarthy nicht komplett danebenhaut beim Coaching seid ihr für mich zumindest am Papier the team to beat in der NFC...

    Dafür ist mir die Secondary dann doch ein viel zu großes Fragezeichen. Außerdem ein nahezu komplett neues Coaching Team mit einer nun wirklich nicht gerade normalen Vorbereitung auf die Saison. Ich bin da eher skeptisch und wäre nach jetzigem Stand schon sehr zufrieden wenn man irgendwie in die Playoffs kommt.

  • Vertragsdetails zu Griffin:

    agreeing to a one-year deal with veteran Everson Griffen, a source confirmed to ESPN.The deal is worth $6 million, with $3 million in base salary and $3 million in roster bonuses, a source told ESPN's Kimberley A. Martin.

    Könnte also im besten Fall wieder ein schöner Comp Pick 2022 werden.

    Die Cowboys hatten noch rund 10 Mio Cap-Room vor der Verpflichtung.

    aikman -> Chrizly (Namensänderung 3.2. 2023)

    "So this is how I remember saying goodbye to Bilbo," [a raccoon he had as a kid] Leach wrote. "He wandered 10 yards away or so from the truck, and then he turned and looked at us and kind of had this expression like, 'It was nice knowing ya.' It was this moment where like, both I knew and he knew that we’d had some good times, but this was it. It was onward and upward for both of us."

    Mike Leach, Coaching Legend (*1961 +2022)

  • Secondary ist sicher ein Thema. Aber offensiv seit ihr für mich am Papier Top3 und die DLine ist auch gut. Und in Wahrheit wirds beim Coaching, vor allem bei den in game decisions kaum ein downgrade geben ;)

  • Da braut sich wirklich einiges zusammen in Dallas. Wenn McCarthy nicht komplett danebenhaut beim Coaching seid ihr für mich zumindest am Papier the team to beat in der NFC...

    Die Cowboys sind haushoher Favorit in der NFC East. In der Offensive können sie vor Kraft kaum laufen. Die Defensive ist zumindest oberes Regal.

    Alles andere als der sichere Divisionstitel und ein zumindest weites Vorstoßen in den Playoffs erscheint sehr unwahrscheinlich. Es ist also alles genauso, wie in den letzten beiden Jahrzehnten. :hinterha:

  • Starker Deal. Sehr sinnvolle Zahlen und unsere Defense Line ist auch mehr als nur ordentlich.
    Hoffe jetzt noch auf Logan Ryan mit einem ähnlichen Deal für die Secondary.

  • Die Cowboys sind haushoher Favorit in der NFC East. In der Offensive können sie vor Kraft kaum laufen. Die Defensive ist zumindest oberes Regal.

    Alles andere als der sichere Divisionstitel und ein zumindest weites Vorstoßen in den Playoffs erscheint sehr unwahrscheinlich. Es ist also alles genauso, wie in den letzten beiden Jahrzehnten.

    Nach der letzten Saison bin ich da vorsichtig, die Ofense ist top ohne Frage und es wird auf die Defense an kommen und da ist die Secondary der Schwachpunkt.

  • Nach der letzten Saison bin ich da vorsichtig, die Ofense ist top ohne Frage und es wird auf die Defense an kommen und da ist die Secondary der Schwachpunkt.

    Ich glaube, dass in dem Text eher eine gehörige Portion Ironie steckte.

  • Na ja,

    Dallas ist schon klarer Favorit auf die Division.

    Und auch in der NFC sehe ich sie locker in den Top 3.

    Sicher hat man auch Fragezeichen, z.B. wie es mit einem neuen Coach läuft.

    Aber genauso kann man auch bei den vermeintlichen anderen Top Teams in der NFC zweifeln.

    Kommt Brady mit wenig Eingewöhnung klar und baut auch nicht noch weiter ab?

    Bei Brees stellt sich ebenfalls die Frage, ob nicht der altersbedingte Einbruch kommen könnte.

    Ist die Niners Defense ohne Buckner ähnlich gut (oder fällt zumindest nicht zu stark ab)?

    Also ich überlege gerade schon, ob ich nicht auf einen Colts - Dallas Bowl tippe.

    Gäbe eine Quote von 80 oder so und das klingt nach jetzigem Stand schon nach reichlich viel.

  • Also mal bei einem Buchmacher nachsehen. Division als Favorit, aber nicht so übermächtig, conference auf 4 hinter 49ers, saints und tampa. Auf 5 übrigens Philadelphia

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