Beiträge von Dodo


    Wenn ich mir nen neuen Fernseher kaufen will, so 42-45 Zoll und definitiv mit Ambilight... wo suche ich da am besten? Ich hab das Gefühl, dass bei früher üblichen Google-Suchen wie "TV vergleichstest" nur noch Werbung/Unfug kommt...

    Aktueller TV (Philips, sehr zufrieden) macht langsam die Grätsche...

    Fernseher mit Hersteller: Philips, Diagonale: 42"/43", Besonderheiten: Ambilight

    Du kannst hier deine Kriterien beliebig anpassen. Bei Geizhals findest du dann auch die jeweiligen Testberichte zu den Produkten, falls welche vorhanden sein sollten.

    Falls du einen TV mit OLED Panel möchtest (empfehlenswert), findest du in der Größe 42"-45" nur ein einziges OLED Modell für 1.399,00 Euro.

    Fernseher mit Hersteller: Philips, Panel: OLED, Diagonale: 42"/43", Besonderheiten: Ambilight
    Philips Ambilight TV | 42OLED808/12 | 106 cm (42 Zoll) 4K UHD OLED Fernseher | 120 Hz | HDR | Dolby Vision | Google TV | VRR | WiFi | Bluetooth | DTS:X | Sprachsteuerung [Energieklasse G]

    Bei TVs mit einer Diagonale von 48" gibt es dann schon mehr Geräte mit OLED Panel, darunter auch günstigere, wie z.B. das Modell für 939,00 Euro.

    Fernseher mit Hersteller: Philips, Panel: OLED, Diagonale: 48", Besonderheiten: Ambilight

    Philips 48OLED807 121 cm (48 Zoll) Fernseher (4K UHD, OLED, HDR10+, 120 Hz, Dolby Vision & Atmos, 4-seitiges Ambilight, Smart TV mit Google Assistant, Works with Alexa, Triple Tuner, Silber) [Energieklasse G]

    Für dieses Modell (Philips 48OLED807) gibt es auch 4 deutsche und 2 englische Testberichte. Es handelt sich meist um das größere Modell (65"), aber das spielt beim Test im Grunde keine große Rolle.

    ....Es werden ihm aus meiner Sicht auch keine Dinge unterstellt, sondern seine Aussagen einfach "logisch zu Ende gedacht" und hinterfragt.

    Bei allem Respekt, lies dir bitte vorher manche Kommentare genauer durch, da ist nichts logisch zu Ende gedacht und es werden durchaus Dinge unterstellt.

    Der Sinn einer Diskussion erübrigt sich leider im Internet.

    Solche Kommentare wie z.B. von dem User Banane, GilbertBrown oder Robbes findet man zu Genüge im Internet, aber auch nur dort, denn in einer persönlichen Diskussion, z.B. Podiumsdiskussion wo sich die jeweiligen Personen gegenüber stehen

    machst du dich anhand solchen belanglosen und unsachlichen Kommentaren, wie von den oben genannten Usern getätigt, nur lächerlich und wirst ganz sicher argumentativ & konstruktiv auseinandergenommen.

    Diskussionen, die Im Internet geführt werden, insbesondere über sensible gesellschaftliche Themen, arten früher oder später immer aus und werden sehr selten bis zum "Schluss" sachlich geführt und verlaufen bereits zu Beginn so gut wie immer in die komplett falsche und nicht zielführende Richtung,

    Siehe aktuell, dass im Internet heiß diskutierte Thema: scurrows shurjoka

    Für mich persönlich haben solche, wie hier geführten Diskussionen in diesem Forum Überhand genommen, mit gegenseitigen aus dem Kontext gerissenen Unterstellungen, Beleidigungen, Abschweifung vom eigentlichen Thema und Meinungen die ins lächerliche gezogen werden.

    Über den damaligen Satz von Frau Merkel „Das Internet ist für uns alle Neuland“ haben viele gelacht und noch heute wird darüber gelacht.

    Mag sein dass dass die Intention & Bedeutung dahinter von Frau Merkel eine andere war, dennoch bewahrheitet sich dieser Satz jeden Tag aufs Neue.

    Die Bild-& Tonqualität soll ja absolut miserabel sein, also jedenfalls in der deutschen Synchronisation.

    Zwar UHD aber nur mit SDR, bedeutet ohne HDR, geschweige mit Dolby Vision und einen mit Steroide aufgemotzter 2.0 Sound, der als 5.1 vermarktet wird, ohne jegliche Dynamik...

    Denn derzeit kann die neunteilige Serie nur auf Sky Q und dem Streamingdienst WOW abgerufen werden. Bedauerlicherweise wird die Serie mit Pedro Pascal (The Mandalorian) und Bella Ramsey (Game of Thrones) vorerst nicht im linearen Fernsehangebot von Sky zu sehen sein. Das wäre auch gar nicht so schlimm, wenn Sky die Folgen in einer ähnlichen Ausstattung wie der Streamingdienst HBO Max (vielleicht bald nur noch MAX) präsentieren würde. Dort werden die Folgen der Action-Drama-Serie nämlich in 4K Ultra HD mit HDR inkl. Dolby Vision und Dolby Atmos 3D-Sound im englischen Originalton präsentiert – ein Traum.

    Nochmal geprüft… die maximale Qualitätsstufe für „The Last Of Us“ ist Ultra HD Auflösung mit SDR (Standard Dynamic Range) und Dolby Atmos, sofern die Folgen via Sky Q im Originalton abgerufen werden. Die deutsche Synchro liegt in DD+ vor. HDR funktioniert weder auf Sky Q, noch auf WOW.

    Kann das hier sonst noch jemand bestätigen der ein Abo bei diesen Halsabschneidern besitzt?

    Auf HBO kann selbiger Inhalt nämlich in bestmöglicher Qualität (HDR/DV und Dolby Atmos-Sound) abgerufen werden, nur eben in Originalsprache.

    Soll sich Sky doch bitte an HBO orientieren...

    Eine bessere Darstellung gibt es leider erst ab dem 6. März 2023. Dann wird die „The Last Of Us“-Serie in 4K Ultra HD auf dem Sender Sky Atlantic (montags, 20:15 Uhr) gezeigt.

    Ach auf Sky Atlantic und erst ab dem 6. März, na dann vielen Dank Sky :jeck:

    Scheinbar Fair Play:

    Aus einem Live Ticker:


    Bei gleicher Tordifferenz und ausgeglichenem direkten Vergleich zieht PSG aufgrund der Fair-Play Wertung den Kürzeren und ist nun nur noch im zweiten Lostopf!

    Ich habe in jedem Zimmer LAN Dosen brauche die WLAN Abdeckung aber fürs Handy.

    Wenn du doch in jedem Zimmer LAN Dosen hast, dann patch doch, falls nicht schon getan die Dosen auf deinen Router.

    Dadurch kannst du dann einfach einen Access Point an einen der Dosen anschließen und hast dadurch eine viel bessere WLAN Abdeckung als mit einem Repeater.

    Der Access Point benötigt natürlich auch Strom, entweder du platzierst ihn in der Nähe einer Steckdose oder du verwendest PoE (Power over Ethernet), dafür brauchst du dann einen PoE-Switch, dieser liefert dir den Strom über das Netzwerkkabel. Geht aber auch günstiger und zwar mit einem PoE Injector, diese werden bei manchen Access Points sogar mitgeliefert, ansonsten kann so ein Injector auch separat beschafft werden. Ein Switch macht nur dann Sinn, wenn du mehrere Access Points im Haus installieren möchtest. Achtung, manche Access Points werden weder mit Netzteil noch mit einem PoE Injector ausgeliefert, daher unbedingt vorher informieren was im Lieferumfang enthalten ist.

    Die Marke Ubiquiti ist bei Heimanwendern recht beliebt u.a. da die Einrichtung sehr einfach ist.

    Es gibt jedoch auch viele andere Hersteller, abraten würde ich dir von der Marke TP-Link.

    Access Point WiFi 6 Lite
    Compact, dual-band WiFi 6 access point with 2x2 MIMO and OFDMA functionality. The Access Point WiFi 6 Lite (U6 Lite) is a 2x2 WiFi 6 access point that can…
    PoE Injector, 802.3af
    Compact adapter capable of delivering 15W of PoE to 802.3af devices. The 802.3af PoE Injector (U PoE AF) is designed to power 802.3af PoE devices. The U PoE…

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    Ich habe vorhin zufällig ein Clip entdeckt, mit einem Interview von dem ukrainischen CS Spieler s!mple.

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    Abgesehen von den starken Worten rund um die aktuelle Situation in der Ukraine ist mir aufgefallen, dass ja aktuell die IEM in Katowice (Polen) stattfindet und wollte mich dann auf meiner üblichen Nachrichtenseite darüber informieren.

    Nun ja, die Seite wurde Ende 2021 eingestellt und ich war doch etwas schockiert darüber. Ich habe auf dieser Seite viele Jahre meiner Jugend vergeudet, aber auch Menschen kennen gelernt mit denen ich heute noch in Kontakt stehe.

    Worauf ich in diesem Beitrag eigentlich hinweisen möchte, ist der YouTube Channel "Book of Counter-Strike", den ich auf der Seite gefunden habe.

    Spoiler anzeigen ist scheinbar ein neues Projekt von und für die ehemalige Community von

    Auf diesem YouTube Channel gibt es bereits einige Interviews mit lebenden CS Legenden wie z.B. Chefkoch, Chucky, Bishop, etc.

    Einige davon hatte ich schon komplett vergessen, aber nachdem ich die Gesichter und die Namen wieder gesehen/gelesen habe kamen die ganzen Erinnerungen wieder hoch an diese geile Zeit. Vielleicht kennt hier auch noch der ein oder andere diese Spieler und interessiert sich ebenfalls über die Geschichten von damals.

    Interview z.B. mit Peter "Chucky" Schlosser (TAMM, perdox, eSu, ALTERNATE aTTaX)

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    Deion Sanders hat es ja auch mehr oder weniger zuvor angekündigt, dass es aber nun die #1 wird hätte wohl so auch niemand erwartet.

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    SEC Champion - HEISMAN - not finished yet!!! :love

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    Notebook Vergleich

    Verwendete Filter:

    Preisklasse: 600 - 1100 Euro

    Hersteller: Acer, Asus, HP, Lenovo

    Displaygröße: ab 15" bis 15.9"

    Display-Auflösung: 1920x1080

    CPU: Intel i5 oder i7

    CPU-Generation: 11 (i-1100)

    RAM: ab 8GB bis - 16GB

    SSD-Kapazität: ab 480GB

    Betriebssystem: Windows 10 Home

    Ergebnisse sortiert nach Anzahl der Angebote bei Onlinehändlern (kannst du auch nach Preis sortieren).

    Die Filter kannst du natürlich beliebig anpassen, je nach persönlichen Anforderungen.

    Die von mir verwendeten Filter dienen bloß als Richtwert bzw. Empfehlung.

    In der von dir angegebenen Preisklasse findest du bereits sehr ordentliche Geräte von namhaften Herstellern, die sowohl von der Haptik als auch von der Ausstattung überzeugen.

    Eine Empfehlung eines speziellen Modells kann und will ich dir eigentlich bei solchen Allround Modellen nicht geben, merkliche Unterschiede findest du halt in der Verarbeitung (Gehäuse, Display, Tastatur, etc.) und in den Performance Tests der Hardware.

    Schau dir einfach ein paar Modelle an und lies dir die jeweiligen Testberichte durch, insbesondere von notebookcheck, diese sind in der Regel immer sehr umfangreich und auch für einen Laien recht gut zu verstehen.

    Gleich vorweg, du wirst bei allen Tests hier und da natürlich auch negative Punkte (Contra) über das Gerät finden, du musst dann nur für dich entscheiden ob diese für dich relevant sind oder nicht.


    Modell: Acer Aspire 5 A515-56-511A (NX.A1GEG.001)

    Preis: 749,00 Euro



    +interne Xe-Grafikeinheit

    +stabiles Gehäuse

    +solide Anschlussauswahl


    -Leistung der Tiger-Lake-CPU wird kaum ausgenutzt

    -Akkulaufzeit dürfte besser sein

    -Timer der Tastenbeleuchtung nicht einstellbar

    Einfach aus ehrlichem Interesse: Was sind denn konkret die persönlichen Ansprüche und Bedürfnisse, die ein FireTV oder AppleTV nicht bedient?

    Für die Wiedergabe von hochauflösenden (HiRes) Audio Dateien. Diese haben eine höhere Bit-Tiefe (24bit) als herkömmliche Musikdateien wie z.B. MP3 (16bit).

    Die Abtastrate variiert herbei von 44.1 kHz bis 192 kHz.

    Einbinden von UAPP Treibern für die Dekodierung von DSD-Audiodateien.

    Streaming-Passthrough für 24bit Audio-Streaming, z.b. Tidal, oder HDtracks.

    Dann natürlich DTS-Passthrough (DTS, DTS:X, DTS-HD Master Audio).

    Installieren von "Third-Party" Apps / Sideload

    Aufspielen eines PLEX-Media-Servers für die Verwaltung sämtlicher Multimedia-Dateien auf meiner NAS.

    Zudem läuft meine Shield auch also Emulator / Retro-Spielkonsole wie n64, SNES, etc.

    Ebenfalls zu verdanken der offenen Struktur eines Android Systems.

    Wieder dieses, doch etwas nervige Thema über Apple vs. Android, dabei ist es doch so simpel ohne sich dabei gleich an die Gurgel gehen zu müssen:

    Wer bereits Produkte von Apple besitzt wie ein iPad, iPhone. MacBook, etc. und damit auch zufrieden ist, da macht es absolut Sinn auch im Bereich Streaming Apple-Hardware einzusetzen.

    Apple Produkte profitieren von einem "geschlossenen System". Das macht es für den Benutzer deutlich einfacher und angenehmer seine Apple Geräte untereinander zu verbinden und zu verwalten.

    Das geht natürlich auch problemlos mit Android Geräten, doch wenn man mit einem Hersteller zufrieden ist, kauft man gerne weitere Geräte von diesem Hersteller und Apple bietet nun einmal auch für fast alles eine passende Lösung an, bei Android muss man hier und da auf verschiedene Hersteller ausweichen.

    Das neue AppleTV bietet im Vergleich zum Vorgängermodell einen neueren und stärkeren CPU, einen HDMI 2.1 Anschluss, WIFI 6 (ax), und HFR-Unterstützung für bis zu 60fps.

    Weitere Audio Decoder oder Video-Codecs sowie zusätzliche Video und Audioformate im Vergleich zum Vorgänger sucht man leider vergebens, HDMI 2.1 ist eher für Gamer interessant bzw. Nutzer die gerne 4k-Inhalte mit 120Hz oder 8k/10k mit 60Hz betrachten wollen. :/

    WIFI 6 ist zwar nett und der neuste Standard aber eine Streaming Box sollte besser per Kabel verbunden werden. Schlussendlich würde ich von einem Upgrade abraten, wichtige Features wie HDR10 und Dolby Vision bietet auch das 2017er Apple TV.

    Audio-Decoder / Video-Codecs / Audio & Videoformate Apple TV (2021)

    Audio-Decoder: Dolby Atmos, Dolby Digital Plus

    Audioformate: MP3, AAC, FLAC, AIFF

    Video-Codecs: HEVC (H.265), H.264, MPEG-4

    Videoformate: MPEG-4 (MP4), MPEG

    Grundsätzlich würde ich also Apple Nutzern auch zum Apple-TV raten, aber auch hier spielen die eigenen Ansprüche und Bedürfnisse eine wichtige Rolle, mehr dazu weiter unten.

    Ich selber besitze jetzt schon seit über drei Jahren eine NVIDIA Shield (2017), für den neuen 4k Fernseher hab ich mir jedoch erst vor kurzem die neue NVIDIA SHIELD TV Pro zugelegt.

    Die neue Shield unterstützt HDR10 und Dolby Vision, daher war es mehr oder weniger ein Muss in Verbindung mit dem neuen Fernseher, einem 5.1 System und einem AV-Receiver auch die aktuellste Shield Hardware zu nutzen.

    HD-Fernsehen (RTL. ProSieben. etc.) schaue ich schon lange nicht mehr, dieser Schmutz der dort ausgestrahlt wird wollte ich mir nicht mehr geben und bin daher komplett auf einen Streaming-Mediaplayer umgestiegen.

    Ich schalte den TV an, die Shield startet und es geht los. Alles auf einem Blick und alles auf einer Hardware, heißt in meinem Fall: Netflix, Amazon Prime, DAZN, Disney+, NFL Gamepass, ESPN Player und ganz wichtig natürlich: KODI.

    Zudem gibt es noch viele weitere Apps wie Plex, Google Play Movies und auch Apple TV+

    Die Nvidia Shield stellt dem Nutzer jedoch nur einen abgespeckten Play Store zur Verfügung, bedeutet es gibt im Vergleich zum Play Store wie man ihn auf dem Handy oder Tablet kennt, deutlich weniger Apps.

    Dennoch gibt es meiner Meinung nach ausreichend Apps, die wichtigsten sind sowieso dabei und funktionieren problemlos. Einen integrierten Chromecast gibt es auch, dafür ist also keine weitere Hardware notwendig.

    Gaming lasse ich jetzt mal komplett außen vor, dafür ist zwar die Shield wohl auch geeignet jedoch habe ich damit keine Erfahrung und außerdem sind Spielekonsolen im Allgemeinen für mich persönlich das Geld nicht wert. :saint:

    Für mich waren auch die vielen unterstützten Audio-Decoder und Formate ein Kaufgrund, insbesondere DTS, das Audioformat FLAC und das Videoformat MKV.

    Audio-Decoder / Video-Codecs / Audio & Videoformate NVIDIA Shield

    Audio-Decoder: Dolby Atmos, Dolby Digital, Dolby Digital EX, Dolby Digital Plus, Dolby TrueHD, DTS, DTS:X, DTS-HD Master Audio

    Audioformate: MP3, WMA, AAC, OGG/Vorbis, FLAC, WAV, PCM.

    Video-Codecs: HEVC (H.265), AVC (H.264), MPEG-2 (H.263), DivX, XviD, VC-1 (WMV9), WMV, VP8, VP9, M-JPEG)

    Videoformate: MKV, WEBM, OGM, MP4, MOV, AVI, MPEG, DIVX, WMV, FLV, VOB, RM, M2TS, TS.

    Ich liebe die zum Teil unbegrenzten Freiheiten dir mir die NVIDA Shield bietet, durch Android habe ich ein recht offenes System und kann z.B. Apps via Sideload betreiben, habe Dateizugriff über den Windows Explorer, kann Entwickler Apps installieren und ausgiebig testen und kann das Gerät mit USB-Geräten erweitern.

    Es kommt immer auf die persönlichen Bedürfnisse an, für einfaches Streaming sprich Inhalte abspielen von Mediatheken wie zdf, ard, etc. oder Projizieren von Tablet oder Handy aufs TV Gerät , vielen reicht dafür auch der Fire TV Stick oder Chromecast,.

    Andere wiederum benötigen mehr Leistung und mehr Funktionen, sowieso wenn es in Richtung 4k Streaming und Heimkino geht wo Tonformate (DTS / Dolby) eine wichtige Rolle spielen oder Features wie HDR & Dolby Vision unverzichtbar sind.

    Ein FireTV oder ein Apple TV würde bei meinen persönlichen Ansprüchen & Bedürfnissen komplett einbrechen, daher ist für mich die NVIDIA Shield der beste und kompletteste Streaming-Mediaplayer.

    You Are Not Prepared...

    oh doch, das sind wir! :sword2:

    Die Reise geht also weiter, nach Classic Release im August 2019, nun auch TBC Classic Release in 2021!

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    Ebenfalls in 2021: Diablo® II: Resurrected

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    Folgende Modelle würden passen:

    Acer Aspire 3 A315-55G-5367:…2712?nbb=45c48c


    Grafikkarte (NVIDIA MX230):…e.382331.0.html

    Für knappe 100 Euro mehr (stärkere GPU, größere SSD (1TB), IPS-Panel, USB-C) würde es auch dieses Modell hier geben:

    Acer Aspire 5 A515-54G-50F2…1-a2167506.html

    Erhältlich zu dem Preis wohl hauptsächlich nur bei Medimax.


    Grafikkarte (NVIDIA MX250):…e.382326.0.html


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    6. Ryan Connelly | OLB | Wisconsin | Age: 23 (10/23/1995) | Round 5 ‧ Pick 143

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    Quelle: THE ATHLETIC’S 2019 NFL DRAFT GUIDE By Dane Brugler
    ‘The Beast’ is here: Dane Brugler’s 2019 NFL Draft Guide

    A no-star recruit out of high school, Ryan Connelly was a three-year starting quarterback at Eden Prairie, leading the program to three straight Class 6A state championships his sophomore, junior and senior seasons.
    He finished his senior season with 14 touchdowns and no interceptions, but Eden Prairie was a run-heavy offense that focused on him handing the ball to a stable of backs.
    Connelly was also a three-year letterman in lacrosse, which kept him from attending too many football camps. As a recruit, he didn’t have any Division-I offers and jumped at the only opportunity he received (walk-on spot at Wisconsin) over playing Division II or III in Minnesota.
    Connelly didn’t have any delusions about playing quarterback in the Big Ten and added 30 pounds to his frame, forcing a move to linebacker on the scout team. He impressed enough during his redshirt year to earn a scholarship prior to the 2015 season.
    Midway through his senior year, Connelly found out that his mother (Christi) was diagnosed with lung cancer and he is now involved in raising money for cancer research.
    He accepted his invitation to the 2019 East-West Shrine Game, but was unable to play due to injury.

    Quick read/react skills…breaks down plays quickly, giving himself a head start…plays with burst to the football…speed looks the same on every snap and is enough to make plays at the sideline
    …finds a way to harmonize his discipline and aggression, using both as assets…violent play style and looks to drive through his target…played through a core/abdominal injury as a senior
    …graduated with a degree in economics (December 2018)…former walk-on and didn’t take long to earn a scholarship…coaches say he has a relentless commitment to his craft.

    Below-average arm length with inconsistent take-on skills…spends too much time attached to blocks…late to win body position and can be redirected by tight ends
    …slight body tightness shows when attempting to tackle in space…average pursuit skills with little chance of recovery after a misstep…appears robotic when opening his hips in coverage
    …injured his core/abdominal muscles during the summer prior to his senior year and played through it as long as he could, undergoing surgery (December 2018) and missing the Bowl Game and Shrine Game.

    A three-year starter at Wisconsin, Connelly morphed from walk-on quarterback to linebacker in Madison, lining up inside in the Badgers’ 3-4 base scheme.
    He out-worked more highly-recruited players when he arrived at Wisconsin and will out-work higher drafted players when he lands in an NFL training camp.
    Connelly competes like a lifelong linebacker, not a former quarterback, and has the competitive toughness required for NFL life.
    While he plays assignment sound, his stack/shed skills are undeveloped with straight-linish athleticism.
    Overall, Connelly has little margin for error with his skill-set, but he is an instinctive hunter with the special teams mentality that will give him a chance to make the 53-man roster.

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    7. Darius Slayton | WR | Auburn | Age: 22 (1/12/1997) | Round 5 ‧ Pick 171

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    Quelle: THE ATHLETIC’S 2019 NFL DRAFT GUIDE By Dane Brugler
    ‘The Beast’ is here: Dane Brugler’s 2019 NFL Draft Guide

    A four-star wide receiver recruit out of high school, Darius Slayton played wide receiver and cornerback at Greater Atlanta Christian. He was also one of the best track athletes in the state, winning state titles in the 100 meters (10.54) and 200 meters (21.51).
    On the football field, Slayton posted 39 catches for 788 yards and 12 touchdowns as a senior, earning All-State and U.S. Army All-American honors. He was recruited as both a wide receiver and cornerback and was ranked as the No. 16 recruit in the state of Georgia.
    Slayton fielded offers from Alabama, Ohio State, South Carolina and Tennessee before initially committing to in-state Georgia after his senior year. However, he flipped to Auburn on signing day. His cousin (Darrell Crawford) played linebacker at Auburn (1988-91).
    Slayton suffered a track injury his senior season in high school and was forced to redshirt in 2015. He elected to skip his senior season and enter the 2019 NFL Draft.

    Awesome speed…easy initial acceleration and sustains his pace to win vertically…efficient footwork to make hard stops mid-route…defensive backs must respect his deep speed, opening underneath options
    …flashes the foot quickness to frequently slip the first tackler, creating YAC…big-bodied target with the length to extend and make athletic plays on the football
    …body strength to keep his feet against off-balance tackle attempts…tracks deep throws well with 32 catches of 20-plus yards in his career (40.5 percent of his career receptions).

    Too many focus drops on his college tape…allows impending contact (real or imagined) to disrupt his concentration…worked in a limited offense and needs to add more branches to his route tree
    …needs to be more efficient beating press coverage…holds the ball loose from his body, creating ball security concerns…lacks special teams experience
    …redshirted in 2015 after groin injury (from his senior year in high school running track), which required surgery (May 2015); minor injuries forced him to miss playing time the last two years.

    A three-year starter at Auburn, Slayton was the boundary wideout in the Tigers’ spread scheme and was pigeonholed as the deep threat in the offense (accounted for eight career catches of 50-plus yards).
    With his track speed, he spent his much of his football life running past coverage and that wasn’t always the case in the SEC, forcing him to develop as a route-runner, which is an ongoing transformation.
    Slayton has the easy acceleration to push cornerbacks off the top of routes and the elusive feet to make defenders miss in space.
    He needs to continue his development in two key areas to reach his potential: expanding his route tree and becoming a better finisher when the ball is in the air.
    Overall, Slayton has inconsistencies to his game, but he is much more than simply a speed demon, showcasing fluid athleticism and length to make catches outside his framework, projecting as a high-upside developmental receiver.

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    8. Corey Ballentine | CB | Washburn | Age: 23 (4/13/1996) | Round 6 ‧ Pick 180

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    Quelle: THE ATHLETIC’S 2019 NFL DRAFT GUIDE By Dane Brugler
    ‘The Beast’ is here: Dane Brugler’s 2019 NFL Draft Guide

    A no-star recruit out of high school, Corey Ballentine played football his junior and senior seasons at Shawnee Heights, but he was a more accomplished track athlete in high school. He was part of the school’s state champion 4x400-meter relay team and finished second in the 400-meters (48.97).
    Ballentine was underrecruited and signed with Division-II Washburn, almost quitting in his first year as a redshirt. He worked his way into the starting rotation as a sophomore safety before moving to cornerback for his final two seasons.
    Ballentine also ran track at Washburn and owns eight of the 10 fastest times in the 100- meter dash and the six fastest times in the 200-meter dash. He accepted his invitation to the 2019 Senior Bowl.

    Top-tier athlete…quick-footed with bump-and-run duties…flashes short-area burst and natural body control out of his pedal to stay in phase…stays coordinated in his change of direction
    …shrewdly uses his length downfield to cut off routes…crowds catch points and is always ball searching…his chippy play demeanor shows in run support…averaged 24.8 yards as a kickoff returner (47/1,166/0)
    …responsible for four blocked kicks, including three in 2018…coachable attitude and he works hard at his craft, learning things quickly…experienced outside and vs. the slot.

    His lack of inches will show at times vs. bigger pass-catchers…can be late to find the football downfield…falls for eye candy and needs to sharpen his vision…inconsistent press-man technique and quick to grab if caught out of position
    …late to drive from off-coverage…average play strength for the position and needs to clean up his tackling technique…inexperienced vs. top competition.

    A three-year starter at Washburn, Ballentine played safety as a sophomore before starting at right cornerback the past two seasons, often shadowing the opponent’s top receiver.
    He became the first player in school history to win the 2018 Cliff Harris Award as the top defensive player at a small school (Division II or lower).
    A sprinter on Washburn’s track team, Ballentine plays with the suddenness to stay in the pocket of receivers on tape and he didn’t look out of place vs. better competition during Senior Bowl week.
    He isn’t shy getting physical and his experience on special teams should help him earn a roster spot.
    Overall, Ballentine needs to tidy up the technical aspects of the position, but he has the athleticism to survive on an island with the coachable make-up that will set him apart during camp, projecting best in the slot.

    10. Chris Slayton | Defensive Tackle | Syracuse | Age: N/A | Round 7 ‧ Pick 245

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    Quelle: THE ATHLETIC’S 2019 NFL DRAFT GUIDE By Dane Brugler
    ‘The Beast’ is here: Dane Brugler’s 2019 NFL Draft Guide

    A three-star linebacker recruit out of high school, Christopher “Chris” Slayton started playing football his freshman year at Crete Monee and earned a starting role on the defensive line his final two prep seasons.
    As a junior, he dropped basketball and focused on football, helping lead the team to a 14-0 record, including the 2012 state championship. Slayton was the No. 20 recruit in the state of Illinois and committed to Syracuse over offers from Illinois, Missouri and Wisconsin.
    He bounced between defensive tackle and end his first two seasons before setting in as a three-technique his final two seasons. Slayton accepted his invitation to the 2019 East-West Shrine Game.

    Powerfully built with adequate length…throws plates around in the weight room and that strength translates to the field…muscle bound, but not tight in his movements, redirecting smoothly to chase
    …strikes with power and pad level…stays balanced at contact to track and maintain positioning…counters well in response to blockers, chopping down hands and displacing wrists
    …competes an edge required for trench warfare…senior captain and seasoned veteran with four years of starting experience.

    Not an explosive player…leaves production on the field due to ordinary athleticism, struggling to chase down plays or break down in space…his bull rush is met with resistance
    …powerful at the point of attack, but often inefficient with his hand usage…late to find the football, relying on his effort more than instincts to be his guiding light…too easily washed by angle blocks
    …wears down late in games and stamina level is a question mark…below-average production.

    A four-year starter at Syracuse, Slayton was the starting three-technique in the Orange’s four-man front, also starting outside at defensive end earlier in his career.
    Despite playing in every game the last four seasons, including 42 career starts, his production is unimpressive, never logging more than 33 tackles in one season.
    Although he tends to wear down, Slayton is a power-packed lineman with the toughness and demeanor required for the position. However, he doesn’t display disruptive traits and his suspect instincts and shed skills might limit his ability to two-gap.
    Overall, Slayton isn’t a souped-up athlete or rangy playmaker, but he possesses the NFL-quality power that will give him the chance to earn a spot in an NFL defensive line rotation.

    Quelle: THE ATHLETIC’S 2019 NFL DRAFT GUIDE By Dane Brugler
    ‘The Beast’ is here: Dane Brugler’s 2019 NFL Draft Guide
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    Hier mal ein paar Auszüge aus Dane Brugler's 2019 NFL Draft Guide zu den einzelnen Giants Draft Picks 2019.
    Zu George Asafo-Adjei (Round 7 ‧ Pick 232) liegt kein Bericht vor!

    Quelle: THE ATHLETIC’S 2019 NFL DRAFT GUIDE By Dane Brugler
    ‘The Beast’ is here: Dane Brugler’s 2019 NFL Draft Guide
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    1. Daniel Jones | QB | Duke | Age: 21 (5/27/1997) | Round 1 ‧ Pick 6

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    "I know for a fact there were two teams who would have taken (Jones) before 17... It wasn't easy for me to pass up Josh Allen.
    It was very very difficult. But I think that much of Daniel Jones and his future as an NFL QB."

    Quelle: THE ATHLETIC’S 2019 NFL DRAFT GUIDE By Dane Brugler
    ‘The Beast’ is here: Dane Brugler’s 2019 NFL Draft Guide

    A two-star quarterback recruit out of high school, Daniel Jones was a standout in football and basketball at Charlotte Latin. He finished with school records in passing yards (6,997) and total touchdowns (98) and earned all-state honors his junior and senior seasons,
    leading Charlotte Latin to back-to-back Division I state championship games. Jones broke his right (throwing) wrist playing basketball during his junior season, which prevented him from attending any recruiting camps prior to his senior year – he also grew four inches during his junior year in high school.
    He initially committed to Princeton (his only scholarship offer), but a late push at Duke (his dream school) earned him a grayshirt opportunity – the Blue Devils’ 2015 recruiting class was full, so head coach David Cutcliffe asked him to walk on with the promise of a scholarship once a spot opened (he was awarded a scholarship the following July).
    After redshirting in 2015, Jones was set to be the backup in 2016 before incumbent starter Thomas Sirk suffered a partial tear of his Achilles in August, thrusting Jones into the role.
    He has six siblings who played Division I sports, including a younger sister (Ruthie) who recently signed with Duke soccer as one of the top goalkeeper recruits in the country.
    Jones elected skip his senior season and enter the 2019 NFL Draft, accepting an invitation to the 2019 Senior Bowl.

    Tall, average-sized frame…quick trigger to read and fire…recognizes coverage assignments and finds the out…has a pre-snap plan…slightly above- average arm strength…understands placement on downfield routes (posts, corners, etc.),
    setting the school record with 10 career touchdown passes of 50-plus yards…places the ball where his receiver can attack and make a move (holds the Duke career record with a 26.3 completion-to-interception ratio)
    …not a twitchy athlete, but mobility is an asset (comfortable throwing off platform)…excellent pocket movement, stepping up and keeping his eyes elevated…stronger and tougher than he looks to brush off contact –
    missed only two games following left shoulder surgery (September 2018)…graduated with a degree in economics (December 2018)…two-time team captain with “impeccable character,” according to Cutcliffe.

    Eye manipulation and internal clock are undeveloped…needs to find better balance between not rushing his process, but also playing with urgency…caught staring down routes, leading defenders to the target…still finding his touch as a passer
    …deep-ball timing is an issue, increasing the difficulty level…lacks elite arm strength to easily add extra RPMs…needs to take better care of the football…mild-mannered personality and still finding his voice as a leader…
    pedestrian career production with 59.6 percent completions and a 17-19 record as a starter – never earned All-ACC honors.

    A three-year starter at Duke, Jones was groomed in the Blue Devils’ spread, no-huddle offense, which incorporated RPO concepts and asked him to use his legs (averaged double-digit carries per game over his 36 starts).
    A late bloomer, he developed under Cutcliffe’s watchful eye and it is easy to see the Manning influence with his footwork, pocket mannerisms and his release.
    While he does not have a very impressive resume on paper, Jones elevated the average talent around him on the Duke offense, relying on both his arm and legs.
    His low-key personality might not immediately win over a room, but he competes with a quiet confidence and does not show any fear on the football field.
    Overall, Jones does not have any exceptional physical traits and his internal clock requires work, but he is a cerebral passer who makes accurate reads with active eyes and feet, projecting as a B-level NFL starter.

    Duke QB Daniel Jones' 1st Round Talent as Told by Coaches, Teammates, & Family

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    2. Dexter Lawrence | DT | Clemson | Age: 21 (11/12/1997) | Round 1 ‧ Pick 17

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    Quelle: THE ATHLETIC’S 2019 NFL DRAFT GUIDE By Dane Brugler
    ‘The Beast’ is here: Dane Brugler’s 2019 NFL Draft Guide

    A five-star defensive tackle recruit out of high school, Dexter Lawrence was a standout football, track and basketball player at Wake Forest (where he was teammates with Stanford RB Bryce Love).
    After leading the team to a 15-1 record as a junior, he earned First Team All-State (received the most votes on the defensive team) as a senior with 91 tackles, 21.0 tackles for loss and 13.0 sacks.
    Lawrence finished his prep career with 204 tackles, 65.0 tackles for loss and 28.0 sacks. He was the No. 2 player in the 2016 recruiting class behind only Rashan Gary and narrowed his college choices to Alabama, Clemson, Florida, Ohio State and USC, choosing the Tigers (his first offer).
    Lawrence elected to skip his senior season and enter the 2019 NFL Draft.

    Broad-shouldered, filled-out frame…smoothly carries his proportionate weight and doesn’t look or move overweight…outstanding raw power to anchor, absorb and stay off the ground
    …controls the point of attack to create 12-car pile-ups on inside run plays…naturally balanced to work off contact…controls his momentum well to redirect, break down and finish
    …flashes the flexible hips to work tight spaces…can move blockers when he has a step of momentum…hits like a bulldozer…plays through injuries and started double-digit games each of his three seasons.

    Undeveloped pass rusher…doesn’t consistently use bully tactics and his bark is worse than his bite…allows his pads to rise at contact and would benefit from better roll and leverage in his straight-line rush attempts
    …prefers to rip instead of push, but doesn’t routinely displace or toss single blockers…below-average backfield vision…wears down easily and leans on blocks…secondary measures are absent once his initial move is halted
    …his best production came during his true freshman season…underwent toe surgery during the 2017 offseason, which caused a “nerve block” and lost feeling in his leg, forcing him to play “about 45-50%” during the 2017 season
    …suspended for the 2018 Cotton Bowl and the national title game after he tested positive for ostarine, a banned performance-enhancing drug.

    A three-year starter at Clemson, Lawrence made an immediate impact for the Tigers, lining up primarily as the nose guard while also seeing snaps over the B-gap and off the edge.
    After posting career-best production as a true freshman, he fell short of those numbers the past two seasons, including snaps, playing only 47.1% of Clemson’s defensive plays in 2018.
    Lawrence flashes dominant qualities as a run defender with his ability to stack the point of attack and not concede ground, using his natural power to two-gap.
    He is a smooth mover for a 350-pounder, but his best pass rush tape came when he could get a step of momentum off the edge, currently lacking interior pass rush value.
    Overall, Lawrence is not yet the sum of his parts, but he possesses a rare blend of size, strength and movement skills, projecting as a space-eating run defender with the potential to be more as a pass rusher.

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    3. DeAndre Baker | CB | Georgia | Age: 22 (9/4/1996) | Round 1 ‧ Pick 30

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    Quelle: THE ATHLETIC’S 2019 NFL DRAFT GUIDE By Dane Brugler
    ‘The Beast’ is here: Dane Brugler’s 2019 NFL Draft Guide

    A three-star cornerback recruit out of high school, Deandre Baker played running back and wide receiver most of his youth before moving to cornerback following his sophomore year at Miami Northwestern for more playing time.
    He also ran track and earned all-state honors in the 200- and 400-meter dash in 2014. Baker was not ranked among the top-50 recruits in the state of Florida, but he received plenty of interest, turning down offers from schools like Alabama, Clemson and Texas to sign with Georgia (his dream school).
    He grew up in the crime-stricken Liberty City community in northwest Miami, but his parents provided a structured environment and kept him focused on football and education. Baker’s father (Andre) helped instill a strong work ethic in him at a young age.
    He skipped the Sugar Bowl and declined his invitation to the 2019 Senior Bowl.

    Coordinated movement skills at the snap and downfield…stays a step ahead due to his above-average instincts and route recognition…sits on patterns and stays dialed in to click-and-close or carry receivers vertically…aggressively uses the sideline and gets physical in coverage
    …uses his length to work around receivers and fight through their hands…coaches will love what he brings in run support, arriving with thump and competing with terrific finish…doesn’t allow himself to be bullied by blockers
    …quiet and introverted by nature, but plays confident and grew as a leader in college (former Georgia DC Mel Tucker: “He works really hard in practice, he’s developed in the meeting room, he’s emerged as a leader for us.”)

    Only average long speed for the position, lacking secondary jets to easily recover…desire to bait can lead to spacing issues…will attract attention from officials for his grabbing downfield
    …has a few personal foul penalties on his tape for late hits…tackling technique comes and goes, occasionally using his shoulder or attempting to hug-and-throw…prematurely opens his hips, giving up inside position too easily
    …lacks much jam experience…doesn’t have extensive experience as an inside cornerback…perceived lax demeanor will be a turn off for some coaches.

    A three-year starter at Georgia, Baker lined up primarily at right cornerback and put together a strong senior season, becoming the first UGA player to win the Jim Thorpe Award as the nation’s top defensive back.
    He is attempting to become the first Georgia cornerback drafted in the first round since 1999 (Champ Bailey). Baker’s tape shows the quickness, fluidity and instincts to play in both zone and man coverage, along with the toughness to make plays in run support.
    His hands-on approach is one of his best qualities, but you must live with the other side of the sword too, as his aggressive nature will lead to penalties or mistakes.
    Overall, Baker is not an elite size/speed prospect, but he shows the innate ability to diagnose routes and put himself in position to make plays, projecting as an NFL starter, ideally suited in a cover-2 scheme.

    How New York Giants' Deandre Baker Became The NFL's Next Shutdown Cornerback

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    4. Oshane Ximines | EDGE | Old Dominion | Age: 23 (12/7/1995) | Round 3 ‧ Pick 95

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    Quelle: THE ATHLETIC’S 2019 NFL DRAFT GUIDE By Dane Brugler
    ‘The Beast’ is here: Dane Brugler’s 2019 NFL Draft Guide

    Flexible edge athleticism with first step burst and active hands…stride acceleration to close once he wraps the corner…quick feet to slip through creases on the line of scrimmage…uses bend and long-armed extension to create movement
    …smooth hips to cleanly redirect in space…knack for punching the ball out with 11 forced fumbles the last three seasons…outstanding career production
    …his teammates glow about his work ethic and vocal leadership (organized a players-only meeting days before the 2018 upset of Virginia Tech).

    Cut up body type, but looks more like a linebacker than edge rusher…average-at-best play strength…struggles to disengage once blockers latch onto his frame…violent hands, but his move-to-move transition requires refinement
    …inconsistent edge setter and not a technician at the point of attack…wasn’t asked to drop or cover in college.

    A four-year starter at Old Dominion, Ximines played the “Stud” pass rusher position in the Monarchs’ four-man front, rushing with his hand on the ground, standing up on the edge or floating over the A-gap.
    He owns the school records for career sacks (33.0), tackles for loss (51.5) and forced fumbles (11) and will likely be the first Old Dominion player selected in the NFL Draft. Ximines has the edge athleticism to wrap the corner and wreak havoc, showcasing a sophisticated approach to his rush.
    He is an inconsistent run defender, mostly due to his undersized frame, and was strictly an upfield player in college, lacking experience dropping in space.
    Overall, Ximines is a speed-based pass rusher with tweener size and play strength, displaying active hands and motor to be a nickel rusher as a rookie.

    Oshane Ximines expected to be first ever ODU draft pick

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    5. Julian Love | CB | Notre Dame | Age: 21 (3/19/1996) | Round 4 ‧ Pick 108

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    Quelle: THE ATHLETIC’S 2019 NFL DRAFT GUIDE By Dane Brugler
    ‘The Beast’ is here: Dane Brugler’s 2019 NFL Draft Guide

    A three-star cornerback recruit out of high school, Julian Love started playing football in elementary school and was a do-everything performer at Nazareth, playing offense, defense and special teams.
    He led the team to back-to-back Class 5A State Championships his junior and senior years, earning All-State honors both seasons.
    As a senior, Love posted 92 tackles, 19.0 tackles for loss and three forced fumbles, adding 1,067 rushing yards, 662 receiving yards and 25 offensive touchdowns.
    He was the No. 46 cornerback recruit in the 2016 class and received mostly Big Ten offers (Iowa, Illinois, Northwestern) until Notre Dame (his dream school) offered, committing as a junior.
    Love’s father (D.T.) played college basketball and his younger brother (Michael) was a part of the Northern Illinois 2019 recruiting class as a running back. Love elected to skip his senior season and enter the 2019 NFL Draft.

    Outstanding agility…coordinated pedal to smoothly transition and stay on the same plane vertically…quick to diagnose routes and sort out what he sees…unlocks his hips to drive on throws…instinctively tracks the ball downfield
    …trustworthy to compete when the ball is in the air…outstanding ball production with 44 passes defended in 34 career starts…accurately reads the eyes/movements of receivers to make plays with his back to the ball
    …doesn’t lack for toughness as a run defender…offensive background shows with the ball in his hands, averaging 31.8 yards per interception return (5/159/2)
    …his extensive film study and detailed preparation are clear on game day…low-key personality and allows his play to do the talking.

    Questionable long-speed for the position, struggling to close the gap once receivers gain a step…lacks burst in his movements, struggling to easily recover after a misstep…undersized by NFL standards and his lack of inches are obvious vs. bigger receivers (see 2018 Stanford tape)
    …inexperienced jamming or disrupting routes…too easily moved by blockers and removed from the run game…too many shoe-string tackle attempts on his film…missed most of the Cotton Bowl after failing the concussion protocol (December 2018).

    A three-year starter at Notre Dame, Love played primarily in the boundary in the Irish’s man-heavy scheme, moving inside in nickel situations. He was among the FBS leaders in passes defended each of the last two seasons, breaking the school record with 44 career passes defended.
    Although his recovery athleticism is a concern, Love plays with balanced footwork to mirror routes, gain positioning and make plays with his elite-level ball skills. He trusts his eyes and instincts and won’t panic, but his lack of length is evident vs. large-framed targets.
    Overall, Love’s lack of ideal size, speed and suddenness will be tougher to mask vs. NFL receivers, but his velvet feet, intelligence and ball skills are the type of traits worth betting on, projecting best in the nickel.

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    Rund um den Daniel Jones Pick gibt es ja mittlerweile viel negative Kritik, teilweise berechtigt da einige Zahlen & Fakten nun mal gegen Ihn sprechen.
    Ich persönlich vertraue hier auf die Expertise von Peyton & Eli Manning sowie dem erfahrenen Duke Coach Cutcliffe. Sie scheinen davon überzeugt zu sein, dass Daniel Jones der passende QB für die Giants Franchise ist.

    @EagleCologne & @DrBanane kann man wohl damit nicht überzeugen, aber zum Glück ist das ja auch nicht notwendig.
    Dieser Blödsinn mit "...der wäre an 17 oder gar in Runde 2 auch noch da gewesen" könnt ihr euch ehrlich sonst wo...
    Irgendwelchen TV Experten nachplappern, die ebenfalls diesbezüglich keine stichhaltigen Beweise haben ist BLÖDSINN!
    Zudem ist diese Schadenfreude einiger User hier im Forum wirklich unerträglich und absolut unnötig.

    Die Giants waren wohl bezüglich Jones etwas nervös da scheinbar die Redskins ebenfalls sehr interessiert waren. Ob das nun stimmen mag oder nicht, der frühe Pick wäre damit nachvollziehbar.

    Why Giants took Duke QB Daniel Jones with sixth pick in NFL draft

    But the Giants were absolutely convinced that if they wanted Jones, they couldn't wait that long. If they did, they might be facing him twice a year instead.

    That was at least part of why the Giants jumped early on the 21-year-old Duke quarterback - a fear that several teams, including the Washington Redskins, were interested in him as well, according to a team source.
    In fact, the source added that the Giants were even sweating out the first few picks of the draft, worried that Jones wouldn't even make it to 6.
    They thought the Washington Redskins were trying to trade up with the Jets or Raiders for the third or fourth pick to take Jones for themselves.

    There did seem to be some rationale behind that fear. The Redskins ended up taking Ohio State quarterback Dwayne Haskins at 15, and a source told SNY they did briefly discuss a possible trade with the Jets.
    Also, according to reports, there was a divide in the Redskins organization over whether they should draft Haskins or Jones - with the coaching staff reportedly pushing for Jones.

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