• laut Gerüchten will die BigEast Fresno State und UNLV als Football only Member einladen
    was man mit UNLV will ist mir total schleierhaft :madness

    Fresno State? Moment - sind die nicht an der WEST-Küste? :D - Wird immer größer dieser Osten... :tongue2:

    Ne, die sollen die Liga gleich in Big Rest umbenennen...

    aikman -> Chrizly (Namensänderung 3.2. 2023)

    "So this is how I remember saying goodbye to Bilbo," [a raccoon he had as a kid] Leach wrote. "He wandered 10 yards away or so from the truck, and then he turned and looked at us and kind of had this expression like, 'It was nice knowing ya.' It was this moment where like, both I knew and he knew that we’d had some good times, but this was it. It was onward and upward for both of us."

    Mike Leach, Coaching Legend (*1961 +2022)

  • Boise State bleibt in der MWC - SDSU wird wohl folgen
    ist die BigEast damit endgültig tot? :madness

    Sieht so aus - Für Boise State ist es die richtige Entscheidung, zumal die Big East eh ihren Platz in den BCS-Bowl-Games verlieren wird. Dann gibt's auch keinen Grund zum Wechsel.

    aikman -> Chrizly (Namensänderung 3.2. 2023)

    "So this is how I remember saying goodbye to Bilbo," [a raccoon he had as a kid] Leach wrote. "He wandered 10 yards away or so from the truck, and then he turned and looked at us and kind of had this expression like, 'It was nice knowing ya.' It was this moment where like, both I knew and he knew that we’d had some good times, but this was it. It was onward and upward for both of us."

    Mike Leach, Coaching Legend (*1961 +2022)

  • Ich denke auch, dass das der letzte Sargnagel für die Conference war. Es ist nicht das erste Mal das Geld die Tradition killt.

    Go SAN DIEGO Chargers GO!
    Go Cal!

  • Naja, die East gibt es ja football-technisch erst seit 1991 oder so, also da von wegen Tradition zu reden, halte ich für etwas übertrieben, zumal die Gründungsmitglieder VTech, Miami und Boston College schon lang abgewandert sind.

    aikman -> Chrizly (Namensänderung 3.2. 2023)

    "So this is how I remember saying goodbye to Bilbo," [a raccoon he had as a kid] Leach wrote. "He wandered 10 yards away or so from the truck, and then he turned and looked at us and kind of had this expression like, 'It was nice knowing ya.' It was this moment where like, both I knew and he knew that we’d had some good times, but this was it. It was onward and upward for both of us."

    Mike Leach, Coaching Legend (*1961 +2022)

  • Die Conference spielt erst seit 1991 Football, aber die Rivalitäten die es in der Big East gab zählen mit zu den ältesten.

    Ich frage mich was man mit den ganzen Exit Fees macht. Pitt, Syracuse, WVU, TCU haben ja alle Millionensummen gezahlt, Louisville, Rutgers und Boise werden es noch tun.