Olympia 2018 - PyeongChang

  • Zielwasser ist wohl im deutschen Haus ausgegangen.

    aikman -> Chrizly (Namensänderung 3.2. 2023)

    "So this is how I remember saying goodbye to Bilbo," [a raccoon he had as a kid] Leach wrote. "He wandered 10 yards away or so from the truck, and then he turned and looked at us and kind of had this expression like, 'It was nice knowing ya.' It was this moment where like, both I knew and he knew that we’d had some good times, but this was it. It was onward and upward for both of us."

    Mike Leach, Coaching Legend (*1961 +2022)

  • Eieiei, ZWEI Strafrunden schon wieder...und jetzt Peiffer...hoffentlich kann er seine Runde bei der Mixed-Staffel ausblenden. Läuferisch verliert er sicher ein wenig auf die meisten anderen, aber wenn er ohne Strafrunde und höchstens zwei Nachlader durchkommen sollte, ist noch was drin.

    College Champion 1984: Brigham Young Cougars – Unbeaten & Untied.

  • warum dreht er auch nicht? selbst ich konnte sehen das der wind mehr war als noch beim liegendschiessen.

    naja wenigstens noch nicht so aussichtslos wie gestern.

  • Guter Plan. Die Gegner mit zwei Strafrunden in Sicherheit wiegen und dann zuschlagen.

    Hat ja schon bei den Frauen geklappt ... ||

    aikman -> Chrizly (Namensänderung 3.2. 2023)

    "So this is how I remember saying goodbye to Bilbo," [a raccoon he had as a kid] Leach wrote. "He wandered 10 yards away or so from the truck, and then he turned and looked at us and kind of had this expression like, 'It was nice knowing ya.' It was this moment where like, both I knew and he knew that we’d had some good times, but this was it. It was onward and upward for both of us."

    Mike Leach, Coaching Legend (*1961 +2022)

  • Mein Gott! Mit welchen Gedanken geht man denn schon an den Schießstand...möglichst NICHTS treffen, wahrscheinlich. :cards Die Reporter...

    College Champion 1984: Brigham Young Cougars – Unbeaten & Untied.

  • Netter Vorsprung ... das sollte Schempp doch mindestens sichern. Aber ... man weiß ja wie das mit dem 'sollte' bis jetzt gelaufen ist... :D

    aikman -> Chrizly (Namensänderung 3.2. 2023)

    "So this is how I remember saying goodbye to Bilbo," [a raccoon he had as a kid] Leach wrote. "He wandered 10 yards away or so from the truck, and then he turned and looked at us and kind of had this expression like, 'It was nice knowing ya.' It was this moment where like, both I knew and he knew that we’d had some good times, but this was it. It was onward and upward for both of us."

    Mike Leach, Coaching Legend (*1961 +2022)

  • Ganz stark von Pfeiffer heute... Die angreifende Rolle liegt ihm wohl eher...

    Und man sieht was Fourcade am Schießstand macht, wenn er in der Loipe überzieht...

  • wenn Pfeiffer das halten kann dann macht schempp alles klar und wir holen gold

    Naja, Svendsen ist auch nicht gerade Laufkundschaft im Biathlon. Das wird schon sehr schwer für Schempp. Im Augenblick sollte man eher auf Silber spekulieren.

    College Champion 1984: Brigham Young Cougars – Unbeaten & Untied.

  • Wenn Doll eine Runde weniger geschossen hätte, wäre man im Moment wahrscheinlich 10 bis 15 Sekunden vorn. Hätte, hätte, Fahrradkette...

    College Champion 1984: Brigham Young Cougars – Unbeaten & Untied.

  • Yikes.... sind das Nervenbündel.

    aikman -> Chrizly (Namensänderung 3.2. 2023)

    "So this is how I remember saying goodbye to Bilbo," [a raccoon he had as a kid] Leach wrote. "He wandered 10 yards away or so from the truck, and then he turned and looked at us and kind of had this expression like, 'It was nice knowing ya.' It was this moment where like, both I knew and he knew that we’d had some good times, but this was it. It was onward and upward for both of us."

    Mike Leach, Coaching Legend (*1961 +2022)

  • Schade, so schön aufgeholt und jetzt muss man auf Österreich achten um Bronze zu sichern.

    College Champion 1984: Brigham Young Cougars – Unbeaten & Untied.

  • Leute, it‘s Hockey Time und ihr schaut Staffel?

    Ist der letzte Läufer. Eishockey läuft noch mindestens zwei Drittel ;)

    aikman -> Chrizly (Namensänderung 3.2. 2023)

    "So this is how I remember saying goodbye to Bilbo," [a raccoon he had as a kid] Leach wrote. "He wandered 10 yards away or so from the truck, and then he turned and looked at us and kind of had this expression like, 'It was nice knowing ya.' It was this moment where like, both I knew and he knew that we’d had some good times, but this was it. It was onward and upward for both of us."

    Mike Leach, Coaching Legend (*1961 +2022)