• Cal @ Arizona 0:0 zur Pause. Großartig. :thumbsup: O/U ist bei 49... das wird gaaanz knapp. :tongue2:

    aikman -> Chrizly (Namensänderung 3.2. 2023)

    "So this is how I remember saying goodbye to Bilbo," [a raccoon he had as a kid] Leach wrote. "He wandered 10 yards away or so from the truck, and then he turned and looked at us and kind of had this expression like, 'It was nice knowing ya.' It was this moment where like, both I knew and he knew that we’d had some good times, but this was it. It was onward and upward for both of us."

    Mike Leach, Coaching Legend (*1961 +2022)

  • Purdue 21 vs. Michigan State 7... die Boilermakers haben schon Iowa gestürzt, gelingt das gleich nochmal?

    aikman -> Chrizly (Namensänderung 3.2. 2023)

    "So this is how I remember saying goodbye to Bilbo," [a raccoon he had as a kid] Leach wrote. "He wandered 10 yards away or so from the truck, and then he turned and looked at us and kind of had this expression like, 'It was nice knowing ya.' It was this moment where like, both I knew and he knew that we’d had some good times, but this was it. It was onward and upward for both of us."

    Mike Leach, Coaching Legend (*1961 +2022)

  • Red Zone Alert! This is not a drill. Arizona is in the Red Zone! :eek:

    EDIT: 3-0 Arizona. Wahrscheinlich uneinholbar. Cal hat Mitte des dritten Viertels übrigens ganze 76 Yards an Offense produziert.

    EDIT 2: Jetzt gehts aber ab, Cal gleicht aus. 3-3. SHOOTOUT!!!

    Beverly Hills 90210, Cleveland Browns 3

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Heeeath (6. November 2021 um 22:29)

  • Cinci nur 2 vorne gegen Tulsa zur Pause. Tulsa war letztes Jahr immerhin Gegner im AAC-Championship-Game aber so beeindruckt man natürlich niemanden im Committee. RB Ford wohl out mit Verletzung, also keine guten Vorzeichen. Mal sehen ob man nach der Pause ein wenig zulegen kann.

    aikman -> Chrizly (Namensänderung 3.2. 2023)

    "So this is how I remember saying goodbye to Bilbo," [a raccoon he had as a kid] Leach wrote. "He wandered 10 yards away or so from the truck, and then he turned and looked at us and kind of had this expression like, 'It was nice knowing ya.' It was this moment where like, both I knew and he knew that we’d had some good times, but this was it. It was onward and upward for both of us."

    Mike Leach, Coaching Legend (*1961 +2022)

  • So sieht's schon besser aus - 2 TDs in weniger als 6 Minuten und der Vorsprung ist wieder komfortabel.

    aikman -> Chrizly (Namensänderung 3.2. 2023)

    "So this is how I remember saying goodbye to Bilbo," [a raccoon he had as a kid] Leach wrote. "He wandered 10 yards away or so from the truck, and then he turned and looked at us and kind of had this expression like, 'It was nice knowing ya.' It was this moment where like, both I knew and he knew that we’d had some good times, but this was it. It was onward and upward for both of us."

    Mike Leach, Coaching Legend (*1961 +2022)

  • Dämliche Strafen, 10 von 13 3rd Downs abgegeben, das ist heute die MSU-Defense. Ganz übel. Die Offense 2x hintereinander mit 3 and out. Irgendwann musste es ja passieren…

  • Arizona wins! 10-3. Damit ist unLv das letzte FBS Team 2021 ohne Sieg.

    aikman -> Chrizly (Namensänderung 3.2. 2023)

    "So this is how I remember saying goodbye to Bilbo," [a raccoon he had as a kid] Leach wrote. "He wandered 10 yards away or so from the truck, and then he turned and looked at us and kind of had this expression like, 'It was nice knowing ya.' It was this moment where like, both I knew and he knew that we’d had some good times, but this was it. It was onward and upward for both of us."

    Mike Leach, Coaching Legend (*1961 +2022)

  • Die Arizona Wildcats haben jetzt genauso viele Power-5-Teams besiegt wie Cincinnati in dieser Saison. Glückwunsch.

    Beverly Hills 90210, Cleveland Browns 3

  • Minnesota, Wake Forest habens schon verbockt, Michigan State steht gegen Purdue (David Bell, was ein Tier!) kurz davor, TCU kann im ersten Spiel seit über 20 Jahren ohne Gary Patterson Baylor stürzen und Cincinnati ist noch nicht ganz aus dem Schneider.

    Fehlt eigentlich nur noch, dass Ed Orgeron nachher noch von seinen Spielern ein Abschiedsgeschenk gegen Bama bekommt.

    Beverly Hills 90210, Cleveland Browns 3

  • Du liebe Zeit! Cincinnati stoppt Tulsa an der 2 in den letzten anderthalb Minuten und fumblet dann selbst den Ball zurück. Chaos.

    EDIT: Oh mein Gott. Erst slidet Tulsas QB bei 3rd & Goal zu früh und ist damit short. Beim vierten Versuch fumblet der RB dann in die Endzone. Cincinnati Ball und, wenn der Snap nicht wieder misslingt, wohl der Sieg. Aber viel knapper geht es kaum. Gegen ein 3-5-Tulsa.

    Beverly Hills 90210, Cleveland Browns 3

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Heeeath (7. November 2021 um 00:10)

  • Cincinnati survives. Tulsa fumblet den Ball in die Endzone, nachdem die Bearcats ihrerseits den Ball innerhalb den eigenen 5 Yard verloren hat. Aber die Defense hält und sichert den Sieg 28-20.

    Purdue schlägt Michigan State und damit sind es nur noch 4 Unbesiegte: Georgia, Cincinatti, UTSA und Oklahoma.

    aikman -> Chrizly (Namensänderung 3.2. 2023)

    "So this is how I remember saying goodbye to Bilbo," [a raccoon he had as a kid] Leach wrote. "He wandered 10 yards away or so from the truck, and then he turned and looked at us and kind of had this expression like, 'It was nice knowing ya.' It was this moment where like, both I knew and he knew that we’d had some good times, but this was it. It was onward and upward for both of us."

    Mike Leach, Coaching Legend (*1961 +2022)

  • So verdient von Pordue! :bounce:

    „A man has two things. His words and his nuts. And you don‘t want to lose either of them.“ - Robert Quinn

  • Down goes Michigan State. Was für eine Saison von Purdue. Hat sonst irgendein Team dieses Jahr eigentlich zwei Top Ten Teams besiegt?

    Ach ja, nächste Woche gehts gegen a team from the state of Ohio. Pflichtprogramm!

    Beverly Hills 90210, Cleveland Browns 3

  • Da kommst du auf ein One Score ran und die Defense wird mit einem Screen vernascht. Im nächsten Drive gibt man natürlich wieder ein 3rd Down ab. Absolut verdiente Niederlage. Respekt an Purdue. Und David Bell ist special (Hallo Andrew Berry).

    Wenn der Frust weg ist, kann man sich dennoch über einen 8-1 freuen. Und Paul ist ja auch da, wo er hingehört. Nächste Woche geht es dann gegen Maryland. Auf zum 9-1.

  • Ed Orgeron mit seinem 'FU - bin eh raus' - 4th & 4 Punt-Fake Call zum First gegen Bama. :thumbsup:

    aikman -> Chrizly (Namensänderung 3.2. 2023)

    "So this is how I remember saying goodbye to Bilbo," [a raccoon he had as a kid] Leach wrote. "He wandered 10 yards away or so from the truck, and then he turned and looked at us and kind of had this expression like, 'It was nice knowing ya.' It was this moment where like, both I knew and he knew that we’d had some good times, but this was it. It was onward and upward for both of us."

    Mike Leach, Coaching Legend (*1961 +2022)