• "We had a teenage girl break the Eric Decker signing and now we got a fucker in the shrubs at Florham Park stalking the Saleh interview arrival. Imagine thinking this fanbase isn't superior to the others?" -@DrewfromJersey
    "Get ready to learn ayahuasca, Jordan Travis" -@MikeNash15

  • Bitterer Fehler von Pickens

    "We had a teenage girl break the Eric Decker signing and now we got a fucker in the shrubs at Florham Park stalking the Saleh interview arrival. Imagine thinking this fanbase isn't superior to the others?" -@DrewfromJersey
    "Get ready to learn ayahuasca, Jordan Travis" -@MikeNash15

  • defensive holding? war da nicht ein krasses offensive holding?

    "We had a teenage girl break the Eric Decker signing and now we got a fucker in the shrubs at Florham Park stalking the Saleh interview arrival. Imagine thinking this fanbase isn't superior to the others?" -@DrewfromJersey
    "Get ready to learn ayahuasca, Jordan Travis" -@MikeNash15

  • ... kurz gedacht kenny britt hat den pass gefangen :tongue2:

    "We had a teenage girl break the Eric Decker signing and now we got a fucker in the shrubs at Florham Park stalking the Saleh interview arrival. Imagine thinking this fanbase isn't superior to the others?" -@DrewfromJersey
    "Get ready to learn ayahuasca, Jordan Travis" -@MikeNash15

  • Ja und eben 1x blatant hold gegen Highsmith und dann klarer foul start beim 3rd.

    Haben ihre Flags wohl aufgebraucht

    offensive holding sowieso auch so ein thema. leider sehr viel leeway ... :maul:

    "We had a teenage girl break the Eric Decker signing and now we got a fucker in the shrubs at Florham Park stalking the Saleh interview arrival. Imagine thinking this fanbase isn't superior to the others?" -@DrewfromJersey
    "Get ready to learn ayahuasca, Jordan Travis" -@MikeNash15

  • Nicht mein Mann Treylon :marge

    "We had a teenage girl break the Eric Decker signing and now we got a fucker in the shrubs at Florham Park stalking the Saleh interview arrival. Imagine thinking this fanbase isn't superior to the others?" -@DrewfromJersey
    "Get ready to learn ayahuasca, Jordan Travis" -@MikeNash15

  • EZ

    "We had a teenage girl break the Eric Decker signing and now we got a fucker in the shrubs at Florham Park stalking the Saleh interview arrival. Imagine thinking this fanbase isn't superior to the others?" -@DrewfromJersey
    "Get ready to learn ayahuasca, Jordan Travis" -@MikeNash15

  • Okay. RTL beginnt mit der Übertragung und mann bekommt 3 Personen, die über Schulzeiten sprechen. Immerhin jetzt Buschmann. Steigerung ist definitiv möglich. Ach und das Stadion hat übrigens den Radiosender von GTA Vice City gekapert. :mrgreen: :thumbsup:

    Edit: Okay es war ein fliegender Wechsel zwischen den Shows. :thup:

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    War das in der NFL-Europe auch schon ein Problem? Oder gabs da den Würfel noch nicht? Ich kann mich nicht erinnern, war aber auch nur beim letzten World Bowl.

    "We had a teenage girl break the Eric Decker signing and now we got a fucker in the shrubs at Florham Park stalking the Saleh interview arrival. Imagine thinking this fanbase isn't superior to the others?" -@DrewfromJersey
    "Get ready to learn ayahuasca, Jordan Travis" -@MikeNash15

  • LOL - sind die fins beim cointoss etwas desorintiert ?

    "a boar bleede hot´s scho imma gem, ober es wärn oiwa mehra..." - Meister Eder, Bayerischer Philosoph

  • LOL - sind die fins beim cointoss etwas desorintiert ?

    Bei nem harten Ref hätten die Chiefs 2 mal kicken dürfen.

    "So ladies, if the man in your life played even one down of high school football, he’s almost certainly courageous, competitive and a fine athlete.

    NFL games, however, are played by supermen." (Mick Mixon)

  • au wei

    Du meinst die deutsche Hymne?

    "So ladies, if the man in your life played even one down of high school football, he’s almost certainly courageous, competitive and a fine athlete.

    NFL games, however, are played by supermen." (Mick Mixon)