Ich packs mal hierhin, auch wenn es nur das Gerücht einer neuen (alten) Profiliga ist
As if 2017 has not been crazy enough, 2018 may be firing an opening salvo at continuing the insanity if one is to believe rumors swirling around the sports entertainment landscape. Nearly two decades after the original XFL shuttered its doors in 2001, the league may actually be on its way back.
There has been unsubstantiated talk about the XFL making a return for a short while now, but Brad Shepard reported late Friday night that WWE chairman Vince McMahon is so deep into considerations about reforming the league that there's even a potential announcement date -- Jan. 25, 2018.
Candidly, this would not normally be something worth paying attention to on its own, but there's no denying that WWE's response to the report appears to lend it some legitimate credibility.
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